By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Matthew 7:16

It Works Both Ways
Just as we can identify God by delightful fruits of love, joy, and peace, we can identify foul spirits by their unsavory fruit. As noted above, ‘Out of the wicked comes wickedness.’
Before I start my list, I want to point out that this is a list of fruits—things that are produced. There have been hundreds of articles written about character traits—things that the Jezebel spirit "is." Admittedly, seed "produces" after its own "kind;" the offspring is like the parent. In many ways they are the same. So at one level it may look like I am splitting hairs, but the distinction is important because this blog post is about making legitimate judgments with eyes unveiled and ears cleared. God's prescribed instruction for making assessments is to look at the fruit.
1. A Jezebel spirit will display feelings of entitlement. This will often show up as double standards; one set of rules for "us" and another set for "them." A spirit of hypocrisy could be Jezebel's best friend, (and demons are known to run in packs,) because when they are not trying to manipulate but are speaking how they really feel, then their words will sound elitist.
2. A Jezebel spirit displays a coldness to human life. It will destroy others without remorse. It will knowingly make a false accusation for "a greater good." It gloats when its enemies are destroyed, even when the enemy was innocent. Someone under the influence of a Jezebel spirit is likely to support abortion-on-demand, which shows a coldness toward human life. The Jezebel spirit ; (indeed, the Jezebel spirit and a spirit of Feminism is another common paring).
3. A Jezebel spirit will act as its own law; it does not regard civil laws. When you see laws being used as weaponry rather than to promote the public welfare, you are seeing the fruit of a Jezebel spirit. It is a steely mix of hatred and force, of illegitimate authority and abuse of power.
4. A Jezebel spirit can be seen in a pattern of rigid belief that it is right. This fruit manifests as the unwillingness to admit to a crime (looking backward) or as a dogmatic insistence to carry out a course of death, destruction, and terror (going forward).
5. A Jezebel spirit will exhibit a resistance to Godly authority; actually, this is true of most all demons, but a Jezebel spirit is more likely to resist through misrepresentation rather than direct confrontation. Lies are used regularly, both to profane the character of God and to deceive others into opposing God as well.
6. A Jezebel spirit will, if pushed, demonstrate a willingness to fight anything that threatens its control; but more typically it prefers to manipulate behind the scene or order others to do the dirty work when possible. People who work for a boss who is possessed or oppressed by a Jezebel spirit often see a bipolar display of control in "office politics" that may not be apparent to the public.
7. A Jezebel spirit eventually reveals a "princess complex" that needs admiration. Although this spirit will put on a false thick-skin to achieve a short-term goal, it craves appreciation, and even worship. Denial of this affirmation can sometimes result in mental breakdown, but usually they are good enough at manipulation to thwart that.
When you see these fruits, it is not only legitimate, but wise to be asking if this is a Jezebel spirit. You will need spiritual armor to protect and defend in a spiritual battle.
Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:11,12