Not a finished post. This is a cache of notes that I think would need to be addressed if I ever wanted to turn the Pets in Heaven series into a book. We'll see... there are some pretty good options out there for self-published eBooks, but the editing involved between now and a finished product is probably too great of a Time Mountain.
I knew going into this series that:
1. Not everyone is going to like it
2. The topic cannot be approached "scientifically."
- it cannot be tested
- reproducible results don't apply
- the researcher is biased
3. Many Salvation doctrines are funky—even if Heaven exists.
Oprah Winfrey & most New Age teachers think that Heaven is not a location but refers to the inner realm of consciousness.
For many occultists, the 'man on the cross' is an archetypal image of every man and every woman. You can probably see an element of truth in this if you look at it as Jesus paid the debt for everyone, but the apostate doctrine teaches that men overcome and get down from the cross as gods.
Clearly, the Biblical Heaven would have to be defined with more precision than I have done so far, although I did address this a bit in one of the early posts in this series.