Below is a statement and my response that were part of a much larger discussion comparing present-day Western Planned Parenthood values with child sacrifices to Molech in the ancient near-east.
It's easier to murder if the victim is dehumanized first-- or just silenced. That's why we have all the "debate" about whether "it's a mass of cells or a human life." Murder is murder, be it by gas chambers or by abortion "clinics"
RE: "Murder is murder, be it by gas chambers or by abortion 'clinics'."
Long, long ago, I conceded similar reasoning during a debate. Over the years, it has come back to niggle at me every now and then. If such a statement was entirely true, I don't think I would sporadically find the idea so peevish decades later. Perhaps I need to take some time and specifically, prayerfully research it so that I can have an answer that settles it for me.
But now, for the most part, I think Dante was on to something with his metaphor of rings of hell. Human judgment is largely limited to fruits of actions; occasionally we may get additional revelation if we are walking closely with the Lord. But God can see motivations, and for someone with that skill set, "murder is murder" would have "perceptible gradation," even though for us humans the whole concept of 'gradation' is imperceptibility of the change.
Well, that was my best run at where I am coming from when I say that I don't think 'murder is murder' in God's eyes. I think that He is willing to show far more grace to a scared little girl who knows and admits that she screwed up than He will toward PP executives who promote murdering other men's babies in exchange for a Lamborghini.