I keep running into people who post on political forums that REALLY, REALLY (without knowing anything about me) seem to be on a mission to convince me that Freemasons founded America. That America was corrupt and bad from the get-go.They take No Excuses for not swallowing their spiel! They particularly like to quote George Washington complimenting the Freemasons' good works in their attempts to convince me that he was "all in" and part of a traitorous plot to destroy the fledgling nation.
I don't buy that. The following is my answer to one of these folks:
This is somewhat misleading BECAUSE... Satan was late
to the party. During colonial America, Freemasonry had not yet gotten a
strong foothold. It was largely business networking, akin to the lower
three levels of Freemasonry today: male socializing, contact hobnobbing,
and a side of charity work. The deep weird stuff, the freemasonry of
France, was an ocean away. The masons were present, but not strong
enough to effectively influence the culture.
The TIPPING POINT on that can be traced
to around 1789-1791. By the Lord's Providence, America had her
Constitution written and ratified before the masonic infestation could
push their ideas with any degree of impact. That started to change when
Pierre L'Enfant leveraged those "business contacts" and obtained the
contract to design the new capital of Washington DC in 1791.
So here's the Truth:
The founding of the District of Columbia (Washington) was the beginning
of Freemasonry being able to make inroads in our government. Our
founding documents had been written and voted upon prior to masonic influence. Satan
was metaphorically still spreading tares when the Founding Fathers made
their covenants. By the time they germinated and the thief's crop could
be harvested, our Declaration of Independence (which Honored our
Creator), and our Constitution (which was patterned after biblical law)
had already been secured. Freemasonry has been a problem ever since, but
America was not founded upon it.