Monday, January 9, 2017

The Facebook Post that I REALLY Want to Make

 Facebook subscriber —

 You know very little about my "religion." That fact is abundantly evident in a wide range of acerbic comments in your posts.

The enemy of my "religion" is apostasy. Apostasy can be either abandonment or defiance of God's declarations. Jude defines it as "ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ."
Paul tells Timothy that the apostate are those who "depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared."

As such, feminism, homosexuality, abortion, islam, false witness, lewdness, anarchy, uber-intellectualism, and the plans of man are all apostate ideologies. So while Grace covers a certain amount of tolerance of those who are ignorant and uninstructed, tolerating apostasy within the the Church leads to a loss of Power.  This is why we have not seen more of the Supernatural in action: we have been busy serving the natural. 

You see the Church as ineffective precisely because too many apostates want to be tolerant of these sins. They are deceived into believing a false "love" that cripples the Church because it loves men more than it respects the Holy God.

Tolerating things that are known to be affronts to the Lord keep the Glory Power from being released. God is not going to entrust His Glory to those who want to serve the ideas of men.  That would be casting His pearls before swine!

Biblical instruction is clear: Seek the Kingdom of God first. Pacifying the lost is not on the list.

When the Church rediscovers her first love, a passionate relationship with Jesus, then the brightness of that Glory will cover the Earth and you can either accept it or run and hide.

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