Thursday, June 8, 2017

Kat Kerr talks about Heaven

Govern and rule at all levels

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Okay, so Kat tends to come off as a bit of a flake, but you probably need your stuck-in-a-box mind expanded, and she can make that happen. She begins with a fun and lighthearted approach describing heaven.

Her teaching about ruling and reigning (governing) begins at the 30:00 minute mark. She explains that everyone has a natural gift that they share with others.    Your gifts will be used in heaven to bless others, and the degree to which you exercise your gift determines your level of authority. If you want more authority, then use the gift God has given you.

At the one-hour mark, she begins her testimony about declaring and decreeing. This is a practical application in which she expands on one way to use your gift to rule over darkness (by declaring - to vocalize). 
You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; 
And light will shine on your ways. 
Job 22:28
To "decree a thing" involves more than just saying it aloud. It includes making a quality decision.  

I watched another video where she gave a similar teaching message to an American audience first, but (1) the audio was fuzzy, and (2) she rambled off-topic. The audio was so distracting that I went in search of a better copy, which is when I found this.  Maybe it is because she has to work with an interpreter, but Kat does a much better job focusing on the message in this video and the production values are much better, so those are two reasons why I chose this version. 

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