I had not used a public setting on that post because, well, no point in needlessly stirring the pot; it would have made some people mad without changing any minds. But anyone can read it now:
October 14, 2016
The Children of Israel were once strangers in the land of Egypt. True. They were invited there, having received a formal invitation from Joseph, an adviser to Pharaoh—the manager of Pharaoh’s palace and the governor of all Egypt. There was no illegal running over the border, and there was no pseudo-sovereign United Nations dumping them on Goshen in an attempt to weaken Egypt.
They had not entered Egypt illegally. They were certainly not breaking the laws of the land by being in Egypt. In fact, in Genesis 46:33-34, we see them being given instructions—which they obeyed—that would help allow them to be welcomed. In Genesis 47, their special skills in animal husbandry were used to oversee the Pharaoh’s livestock too. They did not take jobs away from the natives because the Egyptians detested shepherding.
Almost none of that applies to the conditions that face America today. America has a lawless government that does not enforce her immigration laws because it desires a one-world system.
And if you are having a WWJD¹ moment, then please remember that Jesus was fully aware of the spiritual world around us. This is the part of The Conversation that the Church is often too prissy to talk about. Allah is one of the foreign gods that we are allowing into the country by the caravan.
I don’t fully understand the spiritual blindness. I’ve met people who will readily concede that a Haitian witchdoctor’s voodoo curses can have a demonic force behind them, or that pagan fertility symbols and fetishes are occult objects; but when it comes to Islam they are dismissive of the supernatural. Open those eyebulbs! Along with the diseases and parasites, strange spirits have crossed our border. I hope your exorcist license is up-to-date.
So, how far have the country and I come? How much still applies?
Obama is gone, but many of those who were hired under his watch still carry on his policies. President Trump has begun to "drain the swamp," as the saying goes. Illegal immigration has reportedly dropped 78%. That is the best estimate because no one really knew what it was before. Prototypes of border walls are under construction and will be completed by the end of the month.
Personally, I was a bit struck by my having written that "Jesus was fully aware of the spiritual world around us." Late this summer I read the book Reveᴙsing Hermon² which pretty much centers on that very point: that Jesus and his disciples who grew up in the Second Temple culture of Israel during that era were aware of the influence of the supernatural. So when I say that "I was a bit struck," I mean it hit me that there's a connection between my writing that last October, and then feeling "Yes! This book is filling in so many gaps!" as I was reading it this summer: more evidence of ordered steps on my journey through life.
But the Liberals and Leftists in America still seem to think more like the European leadership when it comes to Islamic immigrants. They seem to believe that if they get the right plan and spend enough money, that immigrants who arrived here for political reasons can be integrated into American society. Unfortunately, either their policies or a Great America are doomed—both cannot fill the same space at the same time.
Islam is fundamentally incompatible with the way the World was created to function. It is fundamentally incompatible with Judaism, which produces marketplace wealth. It is fundamentally incompatible with Christianity, which has engineered cultural progress and civilizing inventions. Islam does not integrate or assimilate into either one of these cultures.
Notice that I have called Islam, Judaism, and Christianity "cultures" and not "religions." That was intentional. It is the culture that emanates from the religious beliefs that is incompatible, not the freedom to believe whom or whatever one wishes.
Three paragraphs ago, I put the word 'integrated' in boldface. Now I would like to explain why: Integrate means to take all the parts and put them together. Parts is parts, as they said in the old chicken sandwich commercial. No special value is put on one part over another.
By contrast, America's founders supported immigration policy that encouraged assimilation. Assimilation means to incorporate the elements in such a way that they become absorbed into a highly functioning society. These immigration policies were pro-active, as we say now. Value was placed on skills, literacy, general health, and a desire to be here. It is the difference between a melting pot and a sundries bin.
And hardly anyone is talking about the spiritual dimension. But people bring their demons with them, both psychologically and literally. Often they manifest as a vague pressure or a sense that someone is a little off. Sometimes there's a subtle but intimidating rebellion that causes others to back off and cave in with concessions such as removing pork products from a menu or changing Christmas celebrations to winter festivals. But look also at the knife attacks, the vehicle attacks, the rapes, even beheading. Demons are immigrating too, and they don't need green cards.
¹ WWJD = What Would Jesus Do?
² Heiser, Michael S. Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers & the forgotten mission of Jesus Christ. Crane, MO: Defender Publishing, 2017.
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