I had not planned to write a blog about last Monday's announcement (November 18, 2019) which said that come 2020, the Chick-fil-A Foundation (CFAF) will be "introducing a more focused giving approach."
According to the CFAF's press release, it will "deepen its giving to a smaller number of organizations working exclusively in the areas of education, homelessness and hunger."
We can all do the math: a smaller number of recipients means bigger payouts to those who do receive. They are splitting 9 Million in three areas:
Education - to Junior Achievement - JA reaches five million students annually, and CFAF has supported this group in the past.
Homelessness - to Covenant House International - CHI reaches 70,000 youth annually, and CFAF has supported this group in the past.
Hunger - CFAF will give $25,000 to a local food bank at each new Chick-fil-A opening.
And Folks, now it is time to read between the lines! Allow me to highlight:
Education - to Junior Achievement - JA reaches five million students annually, and CFAF has supported this group in the past.
Homelessness - to Covenant House International - CHI reaches 70,000 youth annually, and CFAF has supported this group in the past.
Hunger - CFAF will give $25,000 to a local food bank at each new Chick-fil-A opening.
Now much of the hubbub has centered on CFAF dropping all donations to the Salvation Army after their contract with them ended. The Salvation Army has one of the best stewardship records for use of charitable funds, getting more dollars directed to the needy and efficiently managing overhead. Furthermore, the ministry hits all of CFAF's initiatives for 2020: education, homelessness, and hunger. So let's dispel the notion that SA would not "qualify" under CFAF's new focus.
When the apologists for Chick-fil-A foundation's new policy say—
"Maybe they want to spread the money around." No, CFAF is giving to fewer organizations in 2020.
"Maybe they want to try new organizations." No, they have worked with both JA and CHI in the past too.
"Maybe they want to focus on other issues." No, again, they are focusing exactly on what SA does well.
"Maybe they want to (fill in the blank) . No, the only legitimate excuse is that they don't want to. That is their prerogative.
Before I can state why the Salvation Army has fallen out of favor—an explanation easily deduced by examining other actions of the CFAF, and that also makes it unlikely that "They can still select them again in the future," will ever happen—I will need to expose some motives that were revealed in other interviews.
Business Insider
Kate Taylor's article published by the Business Insider on November 18 adds some insight:
Chick-fil-A has faced backlash for its donations and those of its top executives for years. Before 2012, Chick-fil-A made significant donations to right-wing and religious organizations known for lobbying against LGBTQ rights through the WinShape Foundation.So you see, this toad has been in the warming pot for some time before the conservative public noticed. And the appeasement wasn't enough to satisfy the LGBT because nothing ever is. Isaiah 57:20 tells us that "the wicked are like the tossing sea; for it cannot be quiet, and its waters toss up mire and dirt." And yes, God calls that lifestyle wicked because it mocks both His Creation and His plan of Redemption. And in an accidental pun, we have a Chicken & Egg situation with that verse: Does their tossing up mire make them wicked, or does their wickedness cause them to toss up mire? That's a topic for another time, but there is plenty of evidence that many in the LBGT community like to despoil children and have no intention of keeping their lifestyle between consenting adults behind the bedroom door. Yes, the LGBT lobbyists were lying to us three decades ago, and there is no evidence that has changed.
Chick-fil-A stopped making donations to almost all of those controversial groups after facing backlash in 2012, when CEO Dan Cathy said he did not support same-sex marriage. However, the company continued its relationships with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Salvation Army.
Business Insider also reported that Rodney Bullard, the head of the Chick-fil-A Foundation, believes being "relevant and impactful in the community" is "a much higher calling than any political or cultural war that's being waged." There you have it: Being in the community is more important than the culture. It's just business, right?
It would be just business if it weren't spiritual war. "Being in the community" has become problematic thanks to LGBT. CFA has had contracts revoked at airports and college campuses. Boston and Chicago have placed hurdles or denials on the construction of new restaurants. Canada will not let them expand into that country, and London pulled its lease after six months of LGBT harassment. And Rodney Bullard, using his politically correct phrasing, has indicated that he believes being in those locations is more important than winning the culture war.
Who is Rodney Bullard?
Here's his bio from the CFAF website. It is very impressive.
And here is what they did not tell you: He donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign while at Chick-fil-A. Some of you will say, "Ohh! That explains it." Others will ask, "So what if he did?" I'll come back to this later. But first...Rodney Bullard leads Chick-fil-A’s community engagement, philanthropic and sustainability strategy as Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility for Chick-fil-A, Inc. and Executive Director of the Chick-fil-A Foundation. Before coming to Chick-fil-A, Rodney served as an Assistant United States Attorney prosecuting complex criminal cases. For his service, the United States Attorney General presented him with the Department of Justice Director’s Award. Prior to this role, Rodney was selected as a White House Fellow, the nation’s most prestigious public service Fellowship. As a White House Fellow, Rodney was placed at NASA working directly for the NASA Administrator. Rodney also previously served at the Pentagon as a Congressional Legislative Liaison in the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force.
Rodney is an alumnus of the Air Force Academy, Duke Law School, the University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business and Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program.
FrontPage Magazine
Daniel Greenfield, writing for FrontPage on November 22 reports that hiring Bullard would have seemed like a safe bet:
The CFA Foundation and the Christian groups it supported were so entangled that Bullard serves on the Salvation Army’s National Advisory Board and was on the National Board of Trustees of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. But Bullard’s vision was not that of charity, but of corporate social responsibility. And the two things are fundamentally different.And what does Bullard's idea of "corporate social responsibility" look like in real life? Under his leadership, CFAF has been funding The Westside Future Fund, which is a project of the Atlanta Committee for Progress. When you look up The Atlanta Committee for Progress, you pretty much find a Who's Who of Atlanta's liberal Democrats + fairly liberal CEOs of the big Atlanta-based companies + very liberal university presidents. Sorry if I sound cynical, but the Westside Future Fund seems to be a project to keep the neighborhoods around the four black colleges (Morris Brown, Clark Atlanta, Morehouse School of Medicine, and Spellman) from slipping into too much urban decay. In any case, money given there is a community-economic thing with mover & shaker networking, not a charitable work that expects nothing in return.
As FrontPage further reports,
The $1.7 million that the Westside Future Fund shoveled in last year from the CFA Foundation vastly outpaces the mere $115,000 that the Salvation Army got for its Angel Tree program to provide gifts for poor children during the holidays. [...] A less publicized donation of $100,000 went to Sustainable Atlanta. That could have bought a lot of gifts.When you see the word sustainable it is usually code for "politicians getting rich off subsidized green energy scams." Okay, maybe to avoid hyperbole I should have said it "can be" instead of "is usually." "Is usually" still works for being compatible with the United Nations' philosophical moorings and New World Order philosophies in general.
FrontPage continues,
There was also a $10,000 donation to Saris to Suits whose mission is to "advance women's empowerment, education, gender equality, and social justice." There’s money for social justice, but not for the Salvation Army.Who are these people? Latino Leaders Network is about global education. The Harvard Debate Diversity Network does not appear to be all that diverse; a preliminary search showed it to be a summer debate team for black youth, with the best ones winning a spot at a debate camp at Harvard University. I somehow doubt they will be debating the advantages of traditional 1-man/1-woman marriages. Friends of Refugees claims to work with "church-based organizations." That may sound nice, but these are the liberal Lutheran Services and Catholic Charities which have globalist underpinnings. Most of the refugees served are Islamic Africans, and the "church-based" organizations are not proselytizing for Christianity.
There was $25,000 for UNICEF and $75,000 for the Andrew Young Foundation. That last one isn’t a surprise. President Carter’s radical UN ambassador sits on the CFA Foundation’s advisory board. $20,000 went to the Latino Leaders Network, another $20,000 to the Harvard Debate Diversity Network, $45,000 to the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, and $5,000 was allotted to Friends of Refugees.
The latter boasts of resettling the sort of refugees who would demand that Chick-fil-A go Halal. There’s money for Muslim refugees, but not for the Salvation Army.
So in reality Chick-fil-A Foundation has been pouring lots of money into liberal social causes even as they get slammed for being "too Christian." Fellowship of Christian Athletes got $25,000 last year,¹ one-third of what the Andrew Young Foundation got and slightly more than half of what was given to the King Center. They won't get a dime next year.
So now that we know Bullard is a liberal leaning SJW² of the corporate world who favors Democrat causes and globalism, we can understand his support of Hillary Clinton; it's the natural fit for "I'm with Her." But why should that be disturbing?
If you do not already understand, then here are a few links to enlighten you. Just click to open in a new tab.
How Hillary treated a military dog
Hagmann report of the Clinton's connection to the occult
State Department coverup
What Benghazi taught me about Clinton
Hillary gives a speech to The Wing
Uranium one
The Haiti Files
This is a 10-part series in all;
Hillary Clinton's witchcraft Part 8

When William Safire labeled Hillary a "congenital liar" back in his 1996 New York Times essay, it was not without cause.
Seriously, anyone who would give money to Hillary's campaign so that she should rule over him is sick. And Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility Bullard did that. He is not fit to run the Chick-fil-A Foundation in the ways and ideals of its founder. He has "moved the ancient boundary stone."
Do not move an ancient boundary stone which your fathers have placed. Proverbs 22:28
Chick-fil-A can run their business any way they wish. They are a private company, not on the stock exchange, so they don't even need to listen to shareholders. (Although this move of the Foundation to "be like everybody else" makes me wonder how long that can last.)
I'm not all that fussed about what they do with their money. BUT... One cannot break spiritual laws and not have consequences. And spiritual blessings don't run the same paths as monetary blessings. Most people have seen how this company has done better in six days than most do in seven. While the Parable of the Soils³ is primarily about sowing the Word, not money, there are some parallels to look at. Sowing support and encouragement (via monetary donation) into an organization will yield better returns if that organization has good soil (growing medium).
That's half of it anyway. The Lord also blesses based on heart motivation, which is what gives some people fits with the prosperity message. They think everyone is giving to a shyster. Seriously, who gives to a shyster? No, people give for some other reason. Joyful giving as unto the Lord will be blessed; that is promised, although the maturity date may vary. Others give as an act of faith, some give because they don't want to look cheep to the stranger a couple seats down the row, some give out of a sense of duty, some because they find the hive-mind more comfortable than sticking out; there are endless reasons and they can be mixed in differing proportions, so returns may vary. According to James 1:7 only the doubter should not expect to receive anything, and nearly all grumblers about the prosperity gospel are doubters—funny how that works.
So the thing with Chick-fil-A is—many of the loyal customers suspect that CFAF is giving from a motivation of appeasement. I am one of them. And if we are right, the appeasement-motivation has a very low return rate. The company may get more locations through appeasement, but the LGBT dissenters will never become loyal customers. They'll probably want to be courted with cotton candy flavored rainbow shakes in June! And the once-loyal customers will reason, why drive an extra half mile and pay a dollar more when there's a KFC closer and a buck less? Appeasement of the LGBT is a loser.
Honor & Favor
I saved the best for last. Honor & Favor. Neither of which is quantifiable, but they factor in to blessings of success. The company has been receiving seven days of income in six because the founder honored the Lord's day. There are attributes that, when practiced, build a hedge of protection against dark forces. This happens in the spirit realm where the angels minister, so you rarely see any direct cause and effect, but over time it works out that way.
I'm going out on a ledge here, but, think like Satan for a moment... How could you use the Foundation's decisions to destroy the parent company? Get them to consolidate, to put more chicken eggs in the same basket, and then... after awhile, let them choose a charity that is politically shiny on the outside but rotten at the core.
You don't have to be a prophet to see the danger, just look at the signs of the times. A lot of evil is due to be exposed. (Don't make false assumptions; I am thinking more Red Cross than Covenant House Intl.) But what if an organization originally founded to serve one need begins to branch off and becomes involved in evil? I am not making accusations; I am saying you may need to expand your thinking to realize that the spirit realm is very real, interacts with humans, and has an evil side. It is not being paranoid to believe it is out to steal, kill, and destroy you. So, what happens to a "good" company when an organization they have invested social capital in turns out to be trafficking other things as well? It is a question worth asking because this is Satan's modus operandi. And caving on principles does weaken the hedge and make one more vulnerable to a hit.
But, "No one from Chick-Fil-A has said they are pulling support from groups that support traditional marriage," they counter. Well, Duh! CFAF is not going to put that in their press release, but actions speak louder than words, and their actions have been to move toward leftist social causes and the globalism of a New World Order, not toward a Kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven.
The Salvation Army's Angel Tree project wasn't greedily dominating the CFAF's donation budget, but it was promoting (Oh, the Horror!) a holiday that celebrates the birth of the Messiah. It is not, as accused, a "purely emotional" reaction to point out that CFAF decided to promote Junior Achievement programs that align with Common Core Standards standard instead. Common Core should be a major red flag to anyone who knows a flying fig about the state of public schools today. Yet that is what CFAF has chosen to hitch their wagon to.
Before I wrap this up, we also need to settle this question, "Is the Salvation Army really anti-gay?" No rational assessment would conclude that they are. They offer food, and shelter, and help to anyone in need. What they did not do was allow a transgendered man to sleep in a women's dormitory. This is common sense to protect the women. But did the SA kick him out? No, they offered him private room but he got mad and left. (I'm sorry that I cannot find the source right now; I'd have liked to document it with a link, but) that was an incident in the news which the LGBT community was using to "prove" the Salvation Army is anti-gay. It does not prove that. There are a lot of health issues, physical and emotional, that accompany that lifestyle; it would be foolish to endanger many to satisfy one. 🤔 Come to think of it God is both "anti-gay lifestyle" and a "bigot" concerning his commands. But, I digress.
Chick-fil-A Foundation has demonstrably drifted to the left with its social policy. Berating those who point this out as uninformed, narrow-minded hypocrites is playing into the devil's hand. Face it: Chick-fil-A Foundation screwed up with this new "focus." They are headed toward a divorce with their most loyal conservative customers because they've been enticed to flirt with the progressives. This time, it is not a case of being attacked by outside enemies. This time they are shooting themselves.
But, "No one from Chick-Fil-A has said they are pulling support from groups that support traditional marriage," they counter. Well, Duh! CFAF is not going to put that in their press release, but actions speak louder than words, and their actions have been to move toward leftist social causes and the globalism of a New World Order, not toward a Kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven.
The Salvation Army's Angel Tree project wasn't greedily dominating the CFAF's donation budget, but it was promoting (Oh, the Horror!) a holiday that celebrates the birth of the Messiah. It is not, as accused, a "purely emotional" reaction to point out that CFAF decided to promote Junior Achievement programs that align with Common Core Standards standard instead. Common Core should be a major red flag to anyone who knows a flying fig about the state of public schools today. Yet that is what CFAF has chosen to hitch their wagon to.
Before I wrap this up, we also need to settle this question, "Is the Salvation Army really anti-gay?" No rational assessment would conclude that they are. They offer food, and shelter, and help to anyone in need. What they did not do was allow a transgendered man to sleep in a women's dormitory. This is common sense to protect the women. But did the SA kick him out? No, they offered him private room but he got mad and left. (I'm sorry that I cannot find the source right now; I'd have liked to document it with a link, but) that was an incident in the news which the LGBT community was using to "prove" the Salvation Army is anti-gay. It does not prove that. There are a lot of health issues, physical and emotional, that accompany that lifestyle; it would be foolish to endanger many to satisfy one. 🤔 Come to think of it God is both "anti-gay lifestyle" and a "bigot" concerning his commands. But, I digress.
Chick-fil-A Foundation has demonstrably drifted to the left with its social policy. Berating those who point this out as uninformed, narrow-minded hypocrites is playing into the devil's hand. Face it: Chick-fil-A Foundation screwed up with this new "focus." They are headed toward a divorce with their most loyal conservative customers because they've been enticed to flirt with the progressives. This time, it is not a case of being attacked by outside enemies. This time they are shooting themselves.
¹ I am using FrontPage Magazine numbers and have not (yet) double checked them. Link is below.
² SJW = Social Justice Warrior, someone who promotes socially progressive views.
³ Parable of the Soils, Luke 8:4-21
³ Parable of the Soils, Luke 8:4-21
The press release:
The picture credit:
Other sources:
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