Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What would Jesus do about Mask Mandates?

I have researched the efficacy of face masks, the rationale for mandating them in public, and yes, I even asked the Lord what He thought about masks. (Imagine that! I asked Him what was in His heart.)

I got an answer, and I will tell you about it,  but first...

Put "Should a Christian wear a mask?" into your favorite search engine and, while there is no consensus, you will find that there are three major arguments being made. Two are for mask-wearing, the authors sounding fairly adamant that Jesus would wear a mask as he went about his daily business with others, and the other group is against the idea that Jesus would wear a mask in public. All three points-of-view quote scripture for support, but none completely match what the Holy Spirit revealed to me.  So first, here are those three arguments:

#1 Wear-the-Mask Argument
This is the Love Your Neighbor argument in which wearing a mask is "an act of love" that protects others.
But the science is not there to support this. Unless you are around a person whose immune system is already compromised (a person who probably ought not be out in the public marketplace to begin with,) you will not find direct, hard evidence that healthy or asymptomatic persons are protecting others by wearing masks. It is all inference. There are no controlled trials that have shown that the basic cloth face mask can prevent transmission of a virus, however, there are studies that show improper use can be worse than none at all.  Healthy persons increase their own risk of developing health issues when their air flow is restricted as the mask picks up moisture from natural breathing and sweat; you can find the science that supports detrimental risk.  
When healthy people wear masks in a fluid retail environment, they visually reinforce disinformation and project a false sense of security.  How is promotion of deceptive propaganda a "loving" behavior?  It is not. Would Jesus enable a lie? Love rejoices when truth prevails.

#2 Wear-the-Mask Argument
This is the God Sets Authorities argument in which the exegesis for Hebrews 13:17 is misdirected and a legalistic interpretation of Romans 13:1-7 has to be pulled wildly out of context, not allowing verses 3 through 7 to interpret verses 1 and 2.
• Hebrews 13:17 refers to spiritual authority and has limited relevance to mask-wearing unless applied to spiritual forces that drive earthly authorities.
• The passage from Romans opens with, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God."  Subsequent verses clearly outline some limits, one being that it applies to moral, competent authority—rulers who are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad.  When a couple lawfully defends their home against gun-toting intruders — only to have the "governing authorities" tamper with the evidence, charge the homeowners with felonies, but not arrest the rioters that broke down the gate, then these government officials are not meeting the standard set in verse 4 where they are "to carry out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer."  They are punishing the innocent. Only legalism of Pharisaic proportion could arrive at the conclusion that God wants the innocent punished while the guilty to go free. The verse was never intended to give lawless officials ungodly powers.
Jesus gave his disciples authority too, using the same Greek word ἐξουσία.  Christians are to use authority over the unclean spirits that are obviously working through evil leaders.  I've always said that you don't have to bake brownies for the devil; we do not owe purveyors of deliberate evil our kindness and respect.  The mask mandates originated in darkness, as I show later. 

#3 Never-Wear-the-Mask Argument
There is an expression, Every mile of road has two miles of ditches.  Whereas #1 & #2 ran off into the left hand ditch, #3 veers toward the right, being pushed hard by pride. 
This is the recalcitrant Don't Tread on Me argument. And legally they are correct; neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution with its Bill of Rights give mask-mandate power to government. If the Court rules that they can, then it is just as wrong a ruling as Roe v Wade was—there is no legitimate authority to kill babies either.  However, without love, this argument becomes a booming brass and a clanging cymbal, cf 1 Corinthians 13.  A person who wants to 'be like Jesus' will not position him/herself in a place without mercy. "For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment." James 2:13.

None Of The Above

When I discussed masks with the Lord, I found that he doesn't endorse any of those positions. His heart is grieved.
I am going to repeat that so it can sink in: His heart is grieved. Lies have been used to restrict and shutter up the church, His Bride. And Christians, who should have armored up for warfare, are too often preaching a false gospel that Jesus would have worn a mask.  What the Church ought to have done/be doing is standing and praying against the spirits of Control (Jezebel), Chaos, (Leviathan) and Sorcery (Pharmakia) which have been loosed across our nation and the world to steal, to kill, and to destroy.  We have had god-given drugs and treatments for this virus from very early on, but those who submit to powers of darkness have kept them from 'we the people.' The delay is largely our (the Church's) fault; lacking knowledge of this spiritual war and lacking boldness to stand against evil.  Because too few spent time seeking Him first,  many became sucked into lying narratives.   

The mask-wearing grieves Jesus; masks are visible evidence of how far the devil's schemes have invaded the United States.  The mask-mandates are intended to silence the righteous. I always knew this in my intuitive spirit, but now I have the words to express in a blog. For the most part, I will not wear a mask because it grieves the Holy Spirit so deeply.  But He also pointed me to 1 Corinthians 10:28b-29 which says:
for the sake of conscience— the other one’s conscience, I mean, not your own. For why should my freedom be determined by someone else’s conscience?…
In context, Paul had been teaching about eating meat sacrificed to idols, but here, it is the underlying principle that matters—not giving the devil a ledge to stand on. So while Paul was personally fine with eating the meat, if it was going to give the devil a hold on someone else, he would not eat it. And that right there is your answer to what would Jesus do about mask mandates: He would not let any glory go to the devil.  He would not give the devil a ledge to stand on. 

A part of me is horrified to see the reasoning that many blogs and articles are using to support their premise that Jesus would wear a mask. They use incredibly submissive argumentation —  If Jesus was willing to experience humiliation, suffering, and death on a cross, surely he would wear a mask, they say. It is as if they missed the entire point of the resurrection: Defeating the devil!     Jesus died on the cross so that he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery, Heb 2:14.
That defeat of the devil changed everything.  The victory of the resurrection changed everything.  Jesus is not going back to the cross.

In fact, this is The Connect to the Unforgivable Sin: If you feel that wearing a mask shows proper submission to government authority, and if you also see that same authority is actively at war against the Church, banning her freedom of peaceable assembly, abridging her freedom of speech, and restricting her free exercise of worship, then you are in the upstream rapids of not considering the work of the Holy Spirit to be Sufficient, and you are headed for the plunge of crucifying Jesus again. (If you are feeling touchy now, please see the footnote; also see the footnote if you think I am being overly dramatic and it is not really all that serious.) 

We can resist the devil because of Jesus’ finished work. We cannot either add to or diminish his finished work without being in error. 

And resisting the devil is exactly the test before the Church in this season.  Jesus wants us to seek Him with unveiled faces.  He wants us to walk in the glory, not in disease.
We must stay/become forward-looking in our pursuit of God's plans for our lives. Focusing too long on the here-and-now lets us get stuck, and if not repented of, eventually left behind. Neither the sticking nor the staying are God's plan for us; He does not desire a derailing but rather our progress from one degree of glory to the next.

I am not claiming that wearing a mask is a sin and I most certainly am not suggesting it is an unforgivable one! I am saying that mask-mandates are a scheme that did not originate with God to keep you safe and protected from disease.  The mandates are not His plan. They are rooted in evil desires to cripple the Church, and any protection they offer in a public setting is minuscule. Consequently, ministering deliverance from the devil overrules making a stand against a mask.  Poverty is from the devil, so earning your income could overrule refusing a mask. Disease is from the devil, so helping the sick would overrule refusal to wear a mask. Along with poverty and sickness, there are other curses, many are listed in Deuteronomy 28 including drought, insanity, and the politically incorrect one of verse 43 involving the status of illegal aliens. If wearing a mask helps you overcome any curses, then the works that defeat evil overrule making a political statement about it. 
Christ "redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us," Galatians 3:13. Correspondingly, using a mask to assist redemption is not a sin. It has always been this way: surgical masks were developed to minimize contamination during surgery when the body is open and exposed. They were not designed to restrict the healthy.  But to act as if Jesus is not enough, and then to add more rules for the healthy, is submission to an evil controlling spirit.
I am not claiming to have the full and final word of the Lord on this topic either. I am sharing the "one next level" that the Holy Spirit led me to understand. I am neither maliciously nor enviously judging those who are at different mileposts on their journey. Love rejoices when truth prevails.

THIS is our governing authority for the United States, Amendment I →  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
A paid expert is not a governing authority. Any government official, either elected or appointed,  who violates the Constitution is not a legitimate governing authority because they are lawless. 

By Baruch Vainshelboim, originally published November 2020 - Scroll down to the start of the article. From the conclusion: The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects.
or copy & paste this> 
**This paper is now censored by Twitter.  Facebook cites it as false or misleading because it did not come from Stanford University.  The author, Vainshelboim, is credentialed as "Cardiology Division, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System/Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States" 
By Anne Hendershott, September 29, 2020  "A politician first, Fauci has always played all sides of the equation because he knows that inspiring fear will always drive public policy in the direction he wants it to go. "

Kisielinski, Kai, et al. “Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?” MDPI, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 20 Apr. 2021,   The described mask-related changes in respiratory physiology can have an adverse effect on the wearer’s blood gases sub-clinically and in some cases also clinically manifest and, therefore, have a negative effect on the basis of all aerobic life, external and internal respiration, with an influence on a wide variety of organ systems and metabolic processes with physical, psychological and social consequences for the individual human being.



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