Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Summary of the Hillary Deletions

In the six weeks prior to the 2016 general elections, I had written a series of articles called "The Witchcraft of Hillary Clinton."
I have removed them from this blog because, for the most part, her sorry mess is old news and it is time to move on.

My research was extensive, however, and I want to leave an archived summary of what I found to be the most revealing points.

• If we judge by fruit, then there is evidence that Hillary was being enticed by demonic spirits that were introduced via her youth pastor, Don Jones, at the Park Ridge Methodist Church. This is documented at News with Views in this article by Kelleigh Nelson.

• As early as high school, she was attracted by the allure of power. The evidence is there in a Buzzfeed article that documents her senior year, by Christopher Massie.

• There is extensive evidence that Hillary, along with friend Linda Bloodworth-Thompson, was involved in a Coven in California during her time as First Lady. In Washington, she invited spiritual adviser Jean Houston into the White House where they channeled unclean spirits, one purporting to be Elanor Roosevelt. A variety of easily searchable sources exists.

• Rumors swirl around her ties to the Illuminati, Luciferian "parties," and sexual perversions. Most of this information is found on alternative news sites which makes it difficult to sort out how much is real and how much is hyperbole by someone with an ax to grind. So while some may be blowing smoke, the smoke may well indicate fire.

For the purposes of this blog, I had defined witchcraft as any power that is used to control other people by a means other than the Holy Spirit. Under this definition, Hillary Clinton qualifies as a witch.

Again, judging by her fruits, which is the scriptural way to judge,
    By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Matthew 7:16 NIV
Hillary is, at times, under the influence of a Jezebel spirit. A more generic study of the Jezebel spirit will be the topic of another post. >> UPDATE to add that it can now be found HERE