Sounds nice, doesn't it? What heartless soul could be against the UN codifying rights for the disabled? Keep reading, and if I make my point effectively, that person will be YOU!

First, a bit of boring history:
The CRPD was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 13, 2006. It took a year and a half, until May 3, 2008, for 20 nations to ratify it, at which time it went into effect in those countries. President Obama signed the CRPD on July 30, 2009, but because the Senate never ratified it, it has not gone into effect in the US. Technically, the U.S. Senate could vote to ratify this treaty at any time.
But before you jump in and squeal, "Those politicians just don't care about the disabled!" let's review some of the fine print. Because when you do, you will discover that it is not about caring at all. It is about power over others. The disabled are being used as pawns to manipulate Western society's human compassion into a peaceful surrender of human rights.
1. The UN treaty requires that all American law that deals with disabilities be conformed to the standards of the UN. This means that a body of people, most of whom did not grow up in America and whose native cultures have different standards of what is normal will be the judges of our laws dealing with the disabled. This may seem "fair" on the surface, but hang on…
2. Subversion of Authority. Article 4(1)(e) remands that “every person, organization, or private enterprise” must eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability. This is a wild over-reach of power that not even God demands from His servants! It actually is in direct opposition to the Word of God on at least two levels. (a) Jesus taught that we should discriminate, in a good way, and show extra kindness to those in need, and (b) to ratify this this treaty would be saying that we agree with making the United Nations tyrants over us.
But Jesus called them over and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles dominate them, and their superiors act like tyrants over them. But it shall not be so among you… Matthew 20:25, 26aAnd did you catch that part of the quote above where the treaty says "every person?" Let me explain how that works: You may think that a globalist body, even if they have access to all your cell phone conversations and data, isn't going to be micro-managing your personal life, but that phrase will be used to "make examples" of a few unfortunate souls in order to keep the masses in line. It will lead to propaganda and public brainwashing that will deceive many into making idols out of ungodly mandates. You will be surrounded by people who think that way.
3. Education. The satanic deception in this area is to use the "good idol" of education to achieve the surrender of God-ordained parental rights. Article 7(2) of the CRPD gives the government—acting under UN directives—complete oversight in determining what is "best" for all children with disabilities. This means that a government panel in some city miles away that has never seen the disabled child will have more say-so over the path of that child's education than his parents do. This is so ungodly! The scriptures clearly state that responsibility lies with the parents. This means that parents will often be thrown into a conundrum where obeying the Lord will mean they must oppose the government.
Current American law is pretty good; our federal law requires public schools to offer special assistance to children with disabilities. But we also have the safeguard that no parent is required to accept such assistance! Parents have the legal option of choosing alternative therapies, private schools, or homeschooling, which can often better accommodate individual needs. Under CRPD, it would be a matter of only a few years before parents would be ordered to accept the program offered by the government school, a situation which openly discriminates against parental rights! In the early decades of the UN, any document such as this one would have included a statement recognizing parental rights. CRPD does not.
4. The Pocketbook. You must realize that when the United Nations says "international cooperation," it really means that the wealthier countries must give the poor ones a free ride. Under the dictates of Article 4(2), the United States will be obligated to fund programs for disabilities in foreign nations.
This is something that many Americans would probably want to do anyway, BUT Americans wouldn't be able to select which countries or have much oversight to ensure that fraud is minimized. It would be handing over our taxpayer's money to organizations with histories of abuse of funds.
Not only would CRPD use American money overseas without American oversight, but we would also be told how we must spend our own money here at home. Article 4(2) requires the United States to use its "maximum resources" for compliance with UN standards. On record, in the past, the UN has looked at other countries budgets and told them that they are spending too much money on military programs and not enough on social programs. If you haven't figured this out yet, then let me put it more plainly: This is a deceptive, long-term strategy to pressure nations to disarm and weaken their national security under the false pretext of helping the disabled.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is indeed a two-edged sword, both blessing and cursing. However, the two blades are not equal in their acuity. The propaganda machines of the media make it easy to see the blessing side, but they hide the cursing side that will slowly rob us of our freedoms of self-determination.
One final point that I did not include in the list above is a "boiling frog" curse—one that can happen so slowly that it is hard to notice and therefore it is hard to show the evidence that this is happening. The structure of the CRPD is such that any lawsuits which arise because of it are likely to be "resolved" by taking power away from state legislatures and putting the authority at the federal level. With the disabled, especially with disabled children, this is a disaster. Those decisions are almost always better made at the lower levels; the more local the better. But the CRPD takes it the other direction.
Currently, President Trump is being petitioned to toss the CRPD out along with other documents that Obama signed. It will be a blessing for disabled Americans if he does.
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